Hirschsprung's disease Victim gets treated after 22 years

Hirschsprung's disease Victim gets treated after 22 years

Checkout this massive 76cm grossly enlarged colon filled with feces removed from a 22 year old patient who was reportedly constipated since birth meaning he has not gone to the toilet his whole life for 22 years. This is caused by Hirschsprung's disease.
This is a form of megacolon that affects the large bowel that lacks ganglion cells in both submucosal and myenteric neuronal plexus due to abnormal migration of cells from the neural crest and there for can't function properly causing dilated colon due to sever intestinal blockage.
The resulting aganglionic segment of the colon fails to relax causing a functional instruction eventually leading into dilation of the bowel.
The disease in new borns as failure to pass meconium(first feces after delivery) with in the first 48 hours. And definitive diagnosis is made by rectal biopsy. once confirmed the gold standard treatment is surgical resection.

Source:Dr Usman Rauf (MBBS final year student of Baqai Medical University)
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